Page 6 - the Great Grange Christmas Catalogue
P. 6

  Lime & Basil Natural Wax Candle in a Tin | £4
Perfect for winter mornings. Beautiful hand made natural wax and essential oil candle in a lovely tin holder and lid. Lime wakes us up on dark mornings and basil uplifts our emotions. 200g
Ylang Ylang & Sweet Orange Natural Wax Candle | £4
Green Myrtle, Ho Wood & Ginger Candle | £4
Winter woodland walks. Beautiful hand made natural wax and essential oil candles in a lovely tin holder and lid. Green Myrtle & Ho Wood encourages deep breaths to relax the body and mind while Ginger helps boost a healthy immune system- just like a long winter walk! 200g
Lovingly hand made and poured here in West London, these candles use natural based waxes and pure essential oil fragrances.
 Cosy Christmas evenings! Beautiful hand made natural wax and essential oil candles in a lovely
tin holder and lid. Sweet Orange brings warmth and hints of Christmas memories, whereas Ylang Ylang helps to clear out daily stresses and strains and create a positive blissful feeling. 200g
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