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Minneapolis Denver
Los Angeles New Orleans New York Seattle Washington DC
250 Third Avenue North Suite 400
Minneapolis, MN 55401 P 612/333/9012
F 612/333/9089
Kansas City, MO
Arts Market Study Report of Findings
June 2017
Recommendations Prepared by Artspace
Technical Report Prepared by Swan Research
1. 2.
Create up to 60 units of affordable live/work space • Create up to 40 new affordable studio/work-only spaces •
Create up to 3,000 sq. ft. of affordable long-term rentable space that may be used for example, for retail, office, food service and other traditional creative commercial uses Create up to 2,000 sq. ft. of incubator space that may be used for offices, art production, and meetings among other administrative and production related uses.
Create a 99-300 seat theatre with low-rental costs, that may be operated by one entity or
a consortium of performing arts groups, and that could be made available to outside arts groups on an as needed basis through sublease or license agreements
Locate a new multi-use arts facility where an available site may be secured affordably and that advances civic
and redevelopment goals, therefore ensuring long-term sustainability. Consider if there are feasible site opportunities in locations that are also of greatest interest to artists and arts organizations/creative businesses.
Price commercial spaces between $0.50 and $1.50
per sq. ft. to be affordable to the many interested businesses and organizations.

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