Page 18 - Demo_ 2020 Spring Summer
P. 18
Let’s Explore Nonfiction Sets: Aquarium Farm Pond My Yard Woods and Zoo aT THe zoo seT 3 (71/4 x 61/4")
Single book: $5 35 6-pk (6 of of same title): $31 00 00 Set of of 4 titles NFZS3: $21 00 00 6-pk each title (24 books total) PKNFZS3: $120 00 The Nonfiction/Informational Collection
1 1 each each title title (44 books) books) NIC44: $220 00 6-pack each each title title (264 books) books) PKNIC39: $1 320 00 00 Introducing young students to to nonfiction/informational texts early can turn a a a a a a a a a a a a a a reluctant reader into a a a a a a a a a a a a a a curious enthusiastic one! Informational texts connect the learning to to to read read read and reading to learn skills The Nonfiction/Informational Collection
includes titles appropriate for for early early emergent to early early Fluent readers at at an MRB Best Value price A A Counting Frogs Around the Pond A The Zoo B The Aquarium B Calves at the Zoo B Cubs at the Zoo B The Farm B Horse Colors
B Loud and Quiet at the Zoo B My Yard B The Pond B The Robins in in My Yard B The Woods C C Cats Like to Hide
C C Chickens
C C Cows
C A Goat
C The Little Raccoon in My Yard C Stripes at the Zoo C Turtles Around the Pond D Pigs
E Penguins at the Zoo F Canada Geese Around the Pond G Flamingos at the Zoo G The Octopus at the Aquarium G Red Pandas at the Zoo G Rhinoceroses at the Zoo G Seahorses at the Aquarium G Sharks at the Aquarium H Autumn in the Woods H Beluga Whales at the Aquarium H Birds Around the Pond H Giraffes at the Zoo H Polar Bears at the Zoo H Spring in in the Woods H Summer in the Woods H Tigers at the Zoo H Tortoises at the Zoo I Brown Bears at the Zoo I Cheetahs at the Zoo I Danny and the Monarch Butterfly
I Elephants at the Zoo I Lions at the Zoo J Winter in in the Woods M Danny’s Special Tree
Red pandas at the Zook Tortoises at the Zoo Lions at the Zoo Cheetahs at the Zoo SINGLE 6-PK
NFZ44-206-29 NFZ44-205-59 NFZ44-204-89 NFZ44-203-19
pkNFZ44-206-29 12 12 12 12 G pkNFZ44-205-59 12 11 H pkNFZ44-204-89 14 13 I pkNFZ44-203-19 14 14 14 14 I G 1 3 H 2 0 I 2 0 I 1 7 aT THe zoo seT 4 4 4 (71/4 x 61/4")
Single book: $5 35 6-pk (6 of of same title): $31 00 00 Set of of 4 4 titles NFZS4: $21 00 00 6-pk each title (24 books total) PKNFZS4: $120 00 TITLE
Calves at the Zook Cubs at the Zook Loud and Quiet at the Zoo Stripes at the Zook SINGLE NFZ44-263-5 NFZ44-262-8 NFZ44-265-9 NFZ44-264-2
pkNFZ44-263-5 2 2 2 2 2 2 B B B B pkNFZ44-262-8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 B B B B pkNFZ44-265-9 2 2 2 2 2 2 B B B B pkNFZ44-264-2 3 3 3 3 C C C C 18
DRA: Developmental Reading Reading Reading Assessment Level Level Level Level Level IL/RR: Intervention/Reading Recovery® Levels FP: Fountas & Pinnell Level Level Level Level Level GR: Guided Reading Reading Reading Level Level Level Level Level ATOSTM: Accelerated Reader® Book Level Level Level Level Level k k Indicates titles are on the Reading Recovery® Approved Book List