Page 2 - To All Women
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To All Women, Oh How I Love Thee
My love for women started at a very young age. In fact, as I recall it, just a nano second after conception!
My mum was an extaordinary woman who lived her values and imparted such natural wisdom upon us three boys, which I adopted and have nurtured throughout my life.
However this story is not just about my Mum, but about, and for all women, from us males with a modicum of consciousness.
“We truly honour and respect you for who and what you are.”
We truly honour and respect you for who and what you are. Not in a condesending, throw-away, cheap flattery kind of statement, but one from our hearts.
We know that from our unconsciousness, in the past and continuing today, you have been subjegated, belittled, had menial tasks foisted upon you, disrespected, dishonoured, forced to endure inequality, slavery, abuse of all kinds and made second class citizens.
I wish I could turn back the clock and reverse this, but alas I cannot, however, what I and my fellow men can do though, is to become more conscious and with that, more heart-centred. Please be patient, we will get there!
Your tenacity, commitment and persistence is admirable, pushing yourselves well beyond the pain threshold of most men
“You are loved”