Page 475 - Green - Maritime Archaeology: A Technical Handbook. 2nd ed
P. 475

Archival research (continued) use of archivists, 18
what to record, 16
wreck registers, 15
Argo submersible, 60 Artifact drawing
appendage illustration, 292–293 ballpoint pens, 298 computer-aided graphics, 317–318 cost-effectiveness, 289
dip pens, 296
drawing aids, 302–303
drawing box, 299–302
erasing ink lines on film, 309–310 erasing ink lines on paper, 310 fiber pens, 298
film, 294–295
high-intensity lights, 293
inks, 296
Ko Si Chang large stone jar, 321f large-sized calipers, 322f lettering, 310–311
naval architecture, 319
on-site, 290
orthographic projection, 292 paper, 295–296
pencils, 298–299
photograph comparison, 293f profiling devices
Aerial Sketchmaster, 303
components, 304f
diameter measurement alternatives, 306 large object shape measurement, 306f radius of curvature, 305–306
simple example, 304f
small jar drawing stages, 307f
stand, 305
isometric projections, 316–317 objects with axial symmetry, 316
purpose, 288
purpose determination, 290–291 reconstruction vs. guesswork, 292 shading
effective shading, 315 high-resolution scanners, 315–316 object orientation, 312, 314–315 simple methods, 312
ship’s lines, 319 skill level, 290
stilo pens, 296–298
techniques overview, 309 three-dimensional drawing packages, 293 three-dimensional graphics, 318–319 ultimate size and scale, 291–292
very fine lines, 291f
as visual description, 288–289
Artifact photography
black background, 336–337 camera box, 338–339 cameras, 325–328
digital cameras, 328 disadvantages, 326–328
large format requirements, 328 lens choices, 326
cataloging, 339–340
data storage and retrieval, 340–341 digital collections, 341–344 exposure meters, 328–330 illumination
flash, 331–332 fluorescent light, 331 natural light, 332 overview, 330–331 tungsten lights, 331
matte surface, 337
object identification, 332–334 objectives, 324
objects on glass, 337
scale positioning, 334–336 slide-copying, 339
tripod, 339
white background, 337
Artifacts, in post-excavation research as focus, 347–348
historical and social context, 349–350 land archaeology comparison, 349 location and context, 348
scientific dating, 349
significance, 348–349
Artificial light, in field photography,
Asian sites, and treasure hunters, 8 Atocha wreck site, 403
Australian legislation, 401
Australian National Shipwreck Database,
Australian–Netherlands Agreement on Old
Dutch Shipwrecks, 401 Author–date system, 394

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