Page 109 - Kennemerland VOC ship, 1664 - Published Reports
P. 109

 the joints at both ends are totally undam- aged, and that no other related material was found near this piece, it seems probable that the instrument was not assembled at the time of wrecking(74K 50;Site F, -144/-4.8).
N4. A pocket sundial, in perfect condition (Figs 28 and 29). It is contained in a brass case, which unscrews in three sections, the first is a plain top, the second holds a piece of glass, now frosted, and the third is the setting for the sundial itself. The dial is also of brass, with a hinged gnomon of centre angle 52", suggesting that it was designed for
use in the Low Countries. Under the dial is a compass card, still perfectly preserved with all its markings, and with the compass points coloured alternately with a red and a blue wash. On the back of this card is a rust stain, all that is left of the wire. The dial and card were preserved by a hard black deposit which had formed under the glass. Some very close parallels were found on the wreck of the Lastdrager (1652), although less well preserved (Stdnuit, 1974: 229-231) (74K 52; Site F, -144/-4.7).
N5. A brass dial, 0.044 m in diameter and
Figure 30. Brass hour ring.

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