Page 144 - Kennemerland VOC ship, 1664 - Published Reports
P. 144

During the 17th century the ‘great Pig’, as rep-
resented here, was undoubtedly very common, the small pig or ‘piece’ of half the weight not being entirely substituted for it until well into the 18th century, by which time the general form was also simplified t o allow easier stacking.
The authors would like to thank all the divers who assisted in the recovery of this considerable
collection of ingots, a task which was by turns boring and exhausting, reflecting the least romantic aspects of archaeology under water. As in all work on the Kennemerland site we are grateful for the support of the staff of the Lerwick Museum, especially Messrs T. Henderson and A. Williamson. We would also acknowledge the considerable assistance and en- couragement afforded us by the inhabitants of the Out Skerries, in this as in all other aspects of this project.
Bruce, R. S., 1907. Some old-time Shetlandic wrecks. Orkney and Shetland Old Lore Series: 123-8.
Doran, J. E. & Hodson, F. R., 1975. Mathematics and Computers in Archaeology. Edinburgh.
Forster, W. A. & Higgs, K. B., 1973. The Kennemerland, 1971; an interim report. IJNA, 2: 291-300.
Price, R. & Muckelroy, K., 1974. The second season of work on the Kennemerland site. 1973. An interim reoort.
IJNA, 3: 257-68.
Price, R. & Muckelroy, K., 1977. The Kennernerland site. The third and fourth seasons 1914 and 1976. An
interim report. IJNA, 6: 187-218.
Price, R. & Muckelroy, K., 1979. The‘Kennemerland site. The fifth season, 1978. An interim report IJNA,
8: 311-20.
Ward, J. H., 1963. Hierarchical grouping to optimise an objective function J. American Statist. Assoc.,
58: 236-44.
French Summary
Leslingots de plomb du Kennemerland R. RICE, K. MUCKELROY AND L. WILLES
Un ensemble de 119 lingots de plomb a it6 trouve’ sur l’kpave du Kennemerland, un bltiment de la Companie hollandaise des Indes orientales qui coula en 1664. Ce rapport dtcrit la methode de levage utiliske, bask sur I’utilisation des bidons h huile vide pour remonter ces artefacts d’un fond de 15 h 22 m. Les lingots sont dkcrits et repartis dans 13 classes 1 l’exception de 6 exemplaires. On analyse ensuite les relations entre ces diverses classes, les poids des divers Bliments, les types d’estampes et la repartition des lingots sur le site. Ainsi on peut admettre que ceux-ci furent fabriquks en Angleterre et 1’Btude conclut par la prksentation des rares documents concernant l’industrie du plomb en Angleterre au 17e sibcle.

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