Page 216 - Nicolaes Witsen & Shipbuilding in the Dutch Golden Age
P. 216
Chapter Two
1 Hollow tray
2 Pounds of Cartridge twine.
3 Belts of Cartridge paper.
1 Pair of Tailor’s Scissors. 500 Sponge Nails.
1 Small hammer with a shaft. Scrap iron to satisfaction. As well as crowbars.
4 Dozen Needles. 6 Tailor’s rings.
1 Pair of Clipping Tongs. 1 Pair of Pliers.
1 Round File.
1 Half-round File.
1 Rough Flat File.
1 Wooden brace.
4 Bits [for the wooden brace?]. 2 Master gunner’s drills.
10 Copper Priming wires. 10 Powder horns.
For each gun 3000 pounds of powder. 25 Copper Nails.
10 Pounds of Tallow. 5 Pounds of Soap.
Furthermore 10 pounds of sheet Lead. 6 Pounds of Lead white.
4 Pounds of black Paint.
2 Pounds of red Lead.
Black Cork for outside wads, if there is
10 Pounds of Linseed oil.
6 Pounds of Soot. 3 Jackscrews.
8 Double-headed shot. 2 Molds.
1 Beurs-vaetje.
A party of T ampions to put on the guns, made of
good wood.
Corporal’s tools.
1 Hand screw.
1 Cold chisel.
1 Large Lead spoon.
6 Small Lead spoons. 10 Small Bullet molds.
1 Scraper.
1 Iron Pounder. 1 Scratcher.
10 Wooden Pounders.
1 Can of oil to lubricate the gun. 1 Cask of Iron dross.
Ballast is brough t aboard ship, as much as neces- sary, for the ship to acquire the righ t sti ness, the amount of which is known through experience. Ships sailing to hot coun tries, carry wooden laths, w hich can be raised, and sails stretched over them: to be pro- tected from the Sun.
And these named tools I think will su ce, to bring the ship across the sea . But ships that are equipped for battle, carry more war implemen ts, such as Grenades, Mast grapnels, Stench Pots, etc.
These hundred men, sailing the ship one year , are to be given livelihood on the voyage, in the manner I think is shown in the following list: which, when divided in days, and handed out to each person dul y and in ac- cordance with requirements, I estimate to be enough for everyone’s ll.
List of Victuals for 100 heads, for one year.
16 Barrels of Meat.
11 Barrels of Bacon.
13 Aums of Spanish Wine.
4 Aums of French Wine. 6 Aums of Brandy.
9 Hogsheads of Vinegar. 4 Aums of Oil.
1 Quarter of Cod Liver.
(p. 285)
2 Casks of ne ⎫⎬ Salt each 11⁄2 sacks. 5 Casks of rough ⎭
80 Casks of small Beer. 4 Casks of good Beer.
150 Casks of water.
8 Pair of Hams.
6 Pair of smoked Meat.
8 Pair of smoked Tongues.
10816 Pounds of hard Bread. 100 Sacks of Barley.
50 Sacks of white ⎫⎬ Peas.
25 Sacks of yellow ⎭
25 Sacks of Beans, which are also served at times
instead of Peas. 4 Vats of Butter.
2704 PoundsofStock sh.
330 Pounds of Cream Cheese.
12 Pounds of Cow’s cheese. 1⁄2 Sack of Mustard seed.