Page 238 - Nicolaes Witsen & Shipbuilding in the Dutch Golden Age
P. 238

Chapter Three
 Figure 3.33.
Wilhelm (1630), 157 × 37 × 181⁄2. The orlop deck and the rising of the floor indicate that this ship was probably a merchantman. The details on the rising of the wales are obscure due to a printer’s error: they could never have been 13⁄4 feet, as the contract stipulates; they must have been at least 103⁄4 or 113⁄4 feet. Thus only a portion of the hull has been drawn (Drawing
by A. J. Hoving)
of wales beneath the gunpo rts, thick 8 inches, broad 14 inches. The lower lling strakes broad 26 inches, the second 24 inches.
(107 II 45) A Ship made, named Mauritius, Anno 1637 June the 20th.
Long in the hold , 128 feet, wide 28 feet, deep at deck height 13 feet. Above that an upper deck, high
6 feet and 1⁄4. Forward a forecastle long 30 feet, high 4 and /4 [1⁄4? 3⁄4?] feet. Aft a long steering stand . The stem high 2 5 feet, rak es 20 feet, thick 14 1⁄2 inches, curves up to the keel joint 4 and 1⁄2 feet, is long, mea- sured along the cur ve 38 feet, below broad 4 feet, above broad 21⁄2 feet. The sternpost high 23 feet, rakes 4 feet and 1⁄4, thick 14 and 1⁄2 feet. The wing transom is at 20 feet, and above that the stern protrudes 3 feet: the wing transom is long 16 feet, cur ved 1 foot, thick in the square [underneath the top] 13 inches. The tuck stands high from the keel 10 feet and 1⁄4: the bottom is wide 20 feet, rises 3 and 1⁄4 inches, height in the bilges 41⁄4 feet,iswidethere26feet2inches,thesidesrak e 10 inches then. The bilge futtocks deep 9 inches, in the turn of the bilge 7 1⁄2 inches: at the master ribband 6 inches: the k eelson thick 9 inches, wide 20 inches, riders in the aft peak 3 inches, in the bow 8 inches. The
two lower wales below the gunports are wide 12 and 1⁄2 inches, thick 6 inches. The lling strakes between them wide 27 inches, the lling strakes at the heigh t of the gunports wide 3 and 1⁄4 feet. The wale above that wide 11 and 1⁄2 inches, thick 5 inches, a lling strake above that one wide 1 foot. Above that a wale broad 9 inches, thick 4 and 1⁄2 inches. Above that a lling strake broad 12 inches. Above that a sheer rail broad 8 inches. Above upperworks as required.
(108 I 33) A Ship made, named Mauritius, of the year 1639 November the 16th.
Long between stem and stern 129 feet, deep 13 feet, wide283⁄4 feet.Theupperdeckhighinthesides6 1⁄4 feet. A forecastle long 30 f eet, lies 1 foot lower , high in the sides 6 1⁄4 feet. A long steering stand . The k eel is deep 16 inches, wide 20 in ches, long 107 feet, the scarf long 7 1⁄2 feet. The stem high 24 1⁄2 feet, rak es 191⁄2 feet, is thick 12 1⁄4 inches, the fron t side thick 9 inches, below wide 3 1⁄2 feet, above 2 1⁄2 feet, is cur ved at 15 feet, 121⁄2 inches, above a bit more bend , below a little straighter.
The sternpost high 23 feet, the transom is at 20 feet,thentheportholes comeabovethewingtran- som at 20 feet. The tuck is high from the k eel 101⁄2 feet. The wing transom deep 16, thick 11 inches, long 171⁄4 feet. Cur ves 12 inches. The sternpost rak es 41⁄2
Stem, sternpost, and main frame of the Prins
feet, thick 13 inches, below
wide 6 feet, above wide
 Figure 3.34.
(1637). For this particular ship, measurements between stem and stern are not given in the contract, as in all the others. The contract simply says “long in the hold,” the ex act meaning of which is not clear. Stem, stern, and main frame sections are easy to construct. This is probably another merchantman. In this case the transom is not located at the top of the sternpost, as was standard. The gunports must have been made above the transom here (Drawing by A. J. Hoving)
Stem, stern, and main frame of the Mauritius

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