Page 243 - Nicolaes Witsen & Shipbuilding in the Dutch Golden Age
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ships, of which the lengths are given as people in this country are used to do w hen they were con tracted to deliver for a taken price.
The Masts and Spars for two Ships’ rigs, long 136 feet, wide 34 feet.
The mainmast thick 21 palms, below its octagonal 16 palms, long 87 or 88 feet. The foremast 19 palms, under its octagonal 1⁄4 less, long 77 or 78 feet. The bowsprit thick 21 palms, under the stay 16 palms, long 64 feet. The mizzenmast thick 14 palms, above, under the octagonal 1⁄4 less, long 66 feet. The main topmast thick 131⁄4 palms, upward as required, long 55 feet. The fore topmast thick 12 palms, upward as required, long 45 feet. The main yard wide 27 cloths or 32 ells, thick 16 palms. The foreyard will be for 24 cloths, thick 14 palms. The spritsail yard wide 16 cloths, thick as re- quired. The main topsail yard as required . The fore topsail yard as required . The spritsail topmast and yards. The topgallan t masts and yards. The mizzen topmast and yards: the pennan t staves: four studding sail booms: the mizzen yard: all long as required. Two lower studding sail booms. A agpole at the poop for a ag of 12 cloths.
these results follow here. A fathom is 6 Amsterdam feet or 1.70 meters.
(128 II 13) A Ship of 130 or 136 feet long, wide 31 or 32 feet.
The mainstay thick 14 inches, with the collar long 26 fathoms. The foresta y thick 11 inches, long 12 fathoms. The main shrouds thick 7 inches, every pair 20 fathoms. The fore shrouds thick 6 inches, ev-
ery pair long 19 fathoms. The mizzen shrouds thick 4 inches every pair 16 fathoms. The mizzen stay thick 4 inches, long 11 fathoms. The main top shrouds thick 4 inches, every pair long 15 fathoms. The fore top shrouds thick 31⁄2 inches, every pair long 14 fathoms. The main backstay thick 4 inches, long 34 fathoms. The fore backsta ys thick 3 1⁄2 inches, long 32 fath- oms. The main top rope thick 41⁄2 inches, long 8 fath- oms. The main topsail hal yard long 36 fathoms. The foretop rope thick 3 1⁄2 inches, long 7 fathoms. The main topsail lifts long 34 fathoms. The main top yard parrel line long 4 1⁄2 fathoms. The main topsail clew lines long 36 fathoms. Th e main topsail braces long 28 fathoms. The main braces long 30 fathoms. The main halyard tie thick 8 inches, long 30 fathoms. The mainsail lifts long 28 fathoms. The main halyard rove through the ramshead long 46 fathoms. The main top- sail sheets thick 51⁄2 inches, long 25 fathoms. The main sheets thick 5 inches, long 28 fathoms. The main tacks thick 71⁄2 inches, long 16 fathoms. The main top stay thick 4 inches, long 2 5 fathoms. The fore top- sail braces long 27 fathoms. The fore topsail bowlines long 32 fathoms. The fore-topsail parrel line long 41⁄2 fathoms. The fore halyard tie over the mast cap thick 7 inches, long 26 fathoms. Th e fore halyard long 36 fathoms. The pendan t of the main tackle [hanging from the mainstay] long 12 fathoms. The lan yard long 38 fathoms. The foretackle long 11 fathoms. The fall long 36 fathoms. The tackle of the main parrel long 11 fathoms. The parrel line l ong 7 fathoms. The tackle of the fore parrel long 10 fathoms. The parrel rope long 6 fathoms. The fore lifts 26 fathoms. The fore- topsail clew lines long 32 fathoms. The foretop sta y long 12 fathoms. The fore-topsail sheets long 22 fath- oms. Foresheets long 24 fathoms. F oretacks long 12 fathoms. Fore bowlines long 20 fathoms. Spritsail lifts long 20 fathoms. Spritsail braces long 22 fathoms. Spritsail lifts long 18 fathoms. Spritsail sheet pendant long 12 fathoms. Spritsail sh eets long 1 5 fathoms. Fore braces long 22 fathoms. Mizzen sheet long 20 fathoms. Mizzen halyard long 36 fathoms.
(115 I 41)
Following is a Cherter of the Masts and Spars of a Ship, long 130 feet, wide 32 feet.
The mainmast thick 191⁄4 or 191⁄2 palms, and below its octagonal 1⁄4 less, long 84 feet. The foremast thick 171⁄4 or 171⁄2 palms, and below its octagonal1⁄4 less. The mizzenmast thick 13 palms, and below its octagonal 1⁄4 less, long 62 feet. The bowsprit thick 19 palms, below the stay 1⁄4 less, long 62 feet. The main topmast thick 121⁄2 palms, upward as required, long 54 feet. The fore topmast thick 101⁄2 palms, long 44 feet, upward as re- quired. The main yard wide 25 cloths which is 29 ells, thick 14 palms. The foreyard will be wide 22 cloths or 27 ells, thick 123⁄4 or 13 palms. The spritsail yard wide 15 cloths, thick as required . The main topsail yard wide 13 cloths, or 1 ell wider than half the main yard . The fore topsail yard wide 11 cloths. The mizzen yard long and thick as required . The spritsail topmast and yards: two topgallan t masts and yards: two mizzen topmasts and yards: all as required. Four studding sail booms and two lower studding sail booms as required. Three pennant staves, a agpole on the poop for a
ag of 12 cloths.
Apart from these contracts, Witsen also claims to have taken measurements of masts and rigging on ship s, and
Contracts as Historical Sources

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