Page 269 - Nicolaes Witsen & Shipbuilding in the Dutch Golden Age
P. 269
Witsen’s Formulas
Length (height) = W + deck rising +
“ ’tween decks” (or height of upper
Or: = height i.s.
Width = stem
Breadth top = 11⁄5 i.s.
Breadth foot = 5 × i.s.
Top square = wing transom Rake = 1 foot per 6 feet length
Wing transom:
Length = 2⁄3 W
Or: = width of bottom
Width, height, and camber = 1⁄11
length (for every foot, 1 inch)
[doubtful] Or: = i.s.
Fashion pieces:
Thickness = 5⁄6 width of wing transom Or: 1⁄2 i.s.
Width = 2 × width of wing transom Transoms:
2⁄3 wing transom
Or: 4⁄5 i.s.
Stern timbers:
Length above transom = length of
stern timber
Thickness = 2⁄3 i.s. Tumble home: 3⁄5 transom
Width = 2⁄3 W
Van Yk’s Formulas
Length = trim (1⁄50 foot per 1 foot L)
+ D + deck rising (2 inches per 10 feet) + height “ ’tween decks” + height of wing transom
Width = i.s.
Breadth top = 11⁄4 i.s.
Breadth middle: 11⁄3 breadth top Breadth foot = 1⁄4 foot per 1 foot
Raking = 1⁄7 foot (fluyts 1⁄14 foot) per 1
foot length
Wing transom:
Length = 3⁄4 W
Height = height of keel
Width = 4⁄5 height
Camber = 1 inch per 2 feet length
Fashion pieces:
Thickness = 2⁄3 wing transom
Width = a minimum of 2 × thickness
Thickness = 3⁄4 wing transom
Stern timbers:
Length above transom: = height of
Thickness = 1⁄2 i.s.
Width = a bit more than the thickness Tumble home = 2 inches inward per 1
foot of length
Width = length of wing transom (3⁄4 W)
Pinas Drawings