Page 184 - Loss of the VOC Retourschip Batavia, Western Australia, 1629
P. 184

                                                    Personal items
Lace bobbins (see also lace under clothing p. 177)
Sewing thimbles BAT3183
BAT 3632
Lace ends BAT 3074
BAT 6351
BAT 6352
BAT 3238
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Lace iron
BAT 657
Drinking beakers
BAT 4497 and BAT 4498
BAT 4148
BAT 4581
BAT 4488
These beakers are similar to the beakers described by Tait (1967) from the South Netherlands. The beaker BAT 4148 has the same chequer-pattern anti the distinctive 'kick-up' andamillededgeto thebase.ThepatternofBAT4488islessregularthansome of the examples given by T ail It may also be that the small glass prunt in the form of a lion's head (?) surrounded by dots BA T 4078 belongs to these beakers.
BAT 4078 (SCALE 1:1)
These brass fittings, or nestels, were used to finish the ends oflacework. They can be seen in many contemporary paintings of people's dress.
Buttons BAT 565A
L-_____ .

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