Page 187 - Loss of the VOC Retourschip Batavia, Western Australia, 1629
P. 187

The author is grateful to Rinske Car for the identification of the clothing material.
BAT 4492 (SCALE 1:1)
L a c e f r a g m e n t s fOWld i n i r o n c o n c r e t i o n . T h e l a c e has
been identified as Ilalian bobbin lace made from linen I•
. fibre. The lace was frnt fOWld protruding from a piece of concretion, located inside the barber's bowls. The lace was freed from the concretion by careful mechanical ex- cavation. It was heavily stained with dirt and other corro- sion products. It was cleaned by hand under a microscope using a fme probe, entomological pins and de-ionized water to remove the particles and then soaked in 7% dilure oxalic acid solution and finally neutralized with de-ion- ized water.
BA T (BI) 55 (SCALE 2:1)
Clothing fragment of navy-coloured wool twill from land sire on Beacon Island. This fragment is identical to B A T 3131 from the patch box.

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