Page 211 - Loss of the VOC Retourschip Batavia, Western Australia, 1629
P. 211

             Plate BAT 3431
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ThissilverplateisengravedaroundtheriminasimiJarstyletotheewer,thecartouchesinthiscasedepictinghunting scenes. The three engraved cartouches that survive (there were originally four) depict a bear hunt (Fig. 58), a stag hunt (Fig. 59) and a fishing scene. A city can be seen in the background of the stag hunt, and the engraver has auempted to impart an Eastern flavour to the buildings. The dome-shaped building on the left may be an allemptto depict a mosque although the result is more reminiscent ofa Buddhistslupa or chedL The hunters are also strangely attired: possibly the whole scene was intended to interest the Mogul Emperor Jahangirwho was a keen hunter and for whom these items were intended. The plate is also engraved with floral sprays (Fig. 60) similar to those of the ewer. The touch-mark or silversmith'smarkconsistsoftheArmsoftheCityofAmsterdam,withthedateletter'S' (1628) andstampoftheinitials 'P A' of the maker. Abrabam van der Plaetsen.
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