Page 72 - Loss of the VOC Retourschip Batavia, Western Australia, 1629
P. 72

                    Powder ladle BAT 397
A complete powder ladle, with the wooden block and part o f the handle still in place, was found on the site. The ladle has been reconstructed with a diameter of 160 mm, this being a larger bore diameter than any known guns on theBatavia and almost certainly is a mistake on the part of the person who reconstructed it
Powder measures
BA T 3005 (SCALE 1:4)
BAT 589 (SCALE 1:4)
This measure is made of copper, and is mther squat, with a diameter of 190 mm and a height of 134 mm, giving a volume of 3.80 L. It is not absolutely certain that this is in fact a powder measure (as also BAT 688) but it is assumed so because of its similarity in construction and style to the other copper gunnery accoutrements.
The measure BA T 589 has the Roman numerals vn scmtched on the handle and on the front lip and has a volume of 3.85 L.
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