Page 204 - The ROV Manual - A User Guide for Remotely Operated Vehicles 2nd edition
P. 204

  FIGURE 8.42
(a) The FAU “Flying Plug” inductive recharge system. (b) The FAU Inductive Recharge system engaged. (c) WFS Technologies Inductive Power Link.
(a) and (b) (Courtesy FAU-OE.) (c) (Courtesy Ocean Innovations.)
5. Silicone grease
6. Silicone spray, food grade
When applying silicone grease to the O-ring, remember that grease does not seal. Go light. Always carefully inspect O-rings and mating surfaces for defects.
Clean dirt off with soap and water (deionized or distilled). Alternatively use isopropyl (rubbing)
alcohol. Use cotton swabs on female contacts. If contacts are tarnished, try using white vinegar. Oxidation may be removed from male contacts by using #800 wet/dry emery paper cut in strips
8.7 Field maintenance 193

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