Page 547 - The ROV Manual - A User Guide for Remotely Operated Vehicles 2nd edition
P. 547
544 CHAPTER 20 Tooling and Sensor Deployment
FIGURE 20.10
(a) Push corer being retrieved by manipulator and (b) typical push corers.
manipulated using the T-bar handles and pushed into the sediment of interest. A one-way valve at the top of the sample chamber allows water to escape as it is replaced by the sediment core. Upon removal from the sediment, the sample is returned to its housing. The housing is manufactured with a flared opening to allow for easy alignment of the returning core tube. At the base of the housing is a tapered rubber plug that seals the sample within the assembly. Upon recovery to the surface, the T- bar and valve are removed and the core with its rubber plug are removed from the housing by a twist fitting at the base. By taking cores with an ROV, this tool allows gathering of multiple high-quality cores from highly targeted locations with specific seabed types or habitats, for biological, physical, or chemical analysis.
• Cleaning tool
The cleaning tool (Figure 20.11) allows subsea cleaning and marine growth removal. The tool combines a plastic bristled brush head with an integrated injection system, delivering additional cleaning fluids when and where necessary.
• Wellhead cleaning tool
The motorized wellhead cleaning tool (Figure 20.12) is designed to clean the seal surface of wellheads that use AX or VX gaskets. The ROV powers the tool and holds it in position to remove debris. Flow regulation valves limit the rotation speed while still allowing high torque.
• Gasket ring tool
The gasket ring tool (Figure 20.13) is designed to remove and install AX and VX wellhead gas- kets. The tool is aligned with the gasket and lowered onto it. Hydraulic pressure is then used to
(Courtesy Planet Ocean.)