Page 11 - RoadCem Manual - PCT BV
P. 11

This manual is in fact a guide for the use of RoadCem in road construction supplemented with other relevant information.
RoadCem is a PowerCem based Technology product. RoadCem is an additive to cement, that makes it possible to use cementitous binders on all suitable natural materials and even sludge and other waste materials and make a product that can be used in Road engineering.
RoadCem modifies the chemical and mineral structure of the materials that it is used with. The mechanism of how RoadCem works is explained in this manual.
A part of the manual is also a description of decision making processes used by people in choosing a particular product and how these can be used together with the information on the benefits of using RoadCem to help one convince the client that the RoadCem is the product of choice.
The use of RoadCem requires proper mix design and an appropriate pavement structure design. This requires basic criteria to be and the suitable construction process to be applied. The manual also deals with these issues in detail and presents a step by step guide to mix and pavement design and construction using RoadCem.
The manual contains most important knowledge and experience on working with RoadCem currently available. As new knowledge and experience is gained new versions of the manual will be published.

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