Page 123 - RoadCem Manual - PCT BV
P. 123

Table 5.5 traditional view of what causes the failure.
      Poor drainage
- Water ingress to pavement structure.
- Inadequate maintenance of drainage structures.
- Poor roadside drainage/flood water scour.
- Poor geometric design.
      Inadequate maintenance
- Poor/lack of/insufficient maintenance.
- Poor maintenance techniques.
- Integrity of seal/delayed reseal/unsealed cracks.
- Unexpected heavy loads after design.
- Very high tyre contact pressures, sometimes associated with
weakening of upper base layers due to crushing or carbonation.
      Quality of construction
- Inadequate/poor compaction.
- Poor workmanship/supervision/construction standards.
- Inadequate use of appropriate plant.
- Poor mixing of materials/permeable pavements.
      Materials quality
- Inadequate classification of soils.
- Non-availability of good natural gravels, presence of poor subgrade
- Salt damage.
- Low quality of surfacings.
- Sodic, dispersive and other problem soils.
   Environmental extremes
- Inadequate pavement design/design specifications.
- Poor shoulder design/lack of sealed shoulder.
- Low embankments/inadequate camber.
- Increased generated traffic.
  - Climatic (temperature and weather) extremes.
- Erosion of shoulders and side slopes.
The RoadCem approch eliminates many of these causes of failure, i.e.:
• Water ingress to pavement structure.
• Pavement structure integrity.
• Reduced cracking.
• Reduced crushing and carbonation.
• Reduced Salt damage.
• Climatic extremes impacts eliminated.

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