Page 19 - RoadCem Manual - PCT BV
P. 19
In summary, RoadCem is a product that makes possible:
• Use of waste materials in road construction.
• Use of In-Situ materials for road construction independent of their quality.
• Reduction of the thickness of the pavement structure for the equivalent road performance.
• Avoidance of material import for road construction.
• Immobilization of pollutants in waste materials.
• Reduction of the waste stream management costs.
• Reduction of energy inputs needed for road construction and associated reduction of environmental and ecological footprints of road construction.
1.2 Objectives Of The Manual
When compiling this manual various goals have been put forward.
The central objective is to ensure that RoadCem is used in an appropriate manner, following appropriate design and construction process and procedure.
The second goal is to promote the use of RoadCem as a product of choice in road design and construction.
The third goal is to provide sufficient technical support to the distributors of RoadCem and their clients to be able to write appropriate specifications and provide technical support to road designers and contractors.
1.3 Setting the Stage
In order to maximize the benefits of using RoadCem in road construction it is necessary that a structured, thorough and efficient procedures in design and application are used.
To achieve the desired results and maximize the benefits of RoadCem the first precondition is to have a clear understanding of the client/user requirements. This is reflected in the specification of road performance requirements with respect to a number of different criteria which in essence is determined by the properties and characteristics of the finished product, the road, and the materials used to make the finished product. For example: breaking strain, fatigue, deformation behaviour, shattering, bearing strength, water permeability and associated environmental impact requirements such as substance and pollutant leaching, resistance to de-icing agents such as salts, corrosion resistance, resistance to acids and basis etc. In addition to this operational considerations also impose certain requirements such as workability, durability and a given set of physical properties.
Figure 1.2 shows the relationship between the user/client requirements and the choice of materials for the construction of any given road. The availability of RoadCem affects the elements of the relationship in the Pyramid in figure 1.2 in a profound way and establishes a need for a non-conventional approach and methodology to design, construction and material choice elements of the pyramid. This is shown in Figure 1.3.