Page 24 - The Parish News May 2019
P. 24

 EDinGTon PaRiSH CounCil REPoRT
Congratulations to the Parish Hall Committee for the excellent refurbishment of  the toilets and storage of  the Hall.
A big thank you to those who turned out to litter pick in March. An excellent start to keeping the village tidy for the summer.
The Best Keptvillage: judging will soon be here. Judging is usually end of May beginning of  June so please  tidy up areas adjacent to roads and help keep all public areas clean and litter free.
We have a new Parish Steward who is very efficient , you may have noticed how nice the grass triangles and  footpaths are looking. If  any villagers see any routine maintenance eg blocked drains pot holes, grass obstructing highway vision, dirty signs etc. Please contact Emily Greening, telephone 830 248, so she can put it in his work schedule. The Parish Steward gives the village a day every 4-6 weeks paid for by the
County Council.
 The Edington Footpath book is still available at the Farm Shop Post Office and Pickelberries.
We have been awarded a grant towards the purchase of  a defibrillator by Westbury area board. 
Negotiations are in progress about the siting of  it in the Three Daggers complex. It is our intention to run a First Aid course to support its use ideally it would be good to have a few first responders in the village. 
If interested contact The clerk Malcom Wieck 830 248.
Newcomers Coffee Morning
Have you moved into Edington during the past year? You are invited to come to
our newcomers Coffee Morning
on Saturday 11 th. May in Edington Parish Hall between 10.30am and 12 noon.
Villagers are welcome to come along too!
  22 THE NEWS MAY 2019

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