Page 35 - The Parish News May 2019
P. 35

Edington Charity May Ball 2019
 Anne Tottingham Homeopath, Reiki Master/teacher,
Tai Chi Practitioner
She can be consulted in her home in Edington or yours. I am also available for talks & classes. For more information and costs, Telephone 01380 831 055 or mobile: 07905748 359 or annetott@homeopath-reiki. co. uk
   !"#$ %&'"(
  Sat 25 May 2019 7.30pm – 1.00 am
£45 per person Black Tie
Tickets from Three Daggers
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      DIRECTOR’S CUT RETURNS (by popular demand)
“The Men Who Killed Kennedy”
BAFTA Award winning film director nigelTurner will be presenting the second in a series of three film nights devoted to the assassination of American President John F Kennedy, following the great success last november of the showing of his first three programmes. To this day the circumstances of Kennedy’s brutal murder in Dallas on 22 november 1963 remains shrouded in mystery.
nigel is probably the world’s leading investigative film maker on this subject. Over a period of 20 years he has made nine major documentaries about this. His films are regarded as the definitive works on the subject on both sides of the Atlantic and have received numerous awards. Tickets are available from Ted Lloyd-Jukes and cost £5. E-mail: or telephone: 01380 830 493. Book early to avoid disappointment as seating is limited to 50 only! EDINGTON, ERLESTOKE & COULSTON 33

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