Page 8 - The Parish News May 2019
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 ThE FOur vILL AGES LINK, a registered charity scheme, is your local community volunteer support group that can provide assistance to people across the villages of Bratton, coulston, Edington and Erlestoke.
 ThE FOur vILLAGES LINK: 07852 256 939
Registered Charity no: 1064923
Our services range from organising transport to and from medical appointments to carry- ing out small simple jobs around the house that do not require the services of a specialist tradesman. Although we are often viewed as a health related transport service we do carry out non health related tasks, including befriending, shopping, resolving basic com- puter issues and even dog walking! If you would like help just call us on 07852 256 939 between 9am – 6pm Monday to Friday and one of our duty coordinators will log your re- quest and find a volunteer to help you. All calls are charged at mobile rates. As respond- ing to requests can be demanding it helps us to receive plenty of notice when being asked to organise assistance, ideally not less than 48 hours in advance. However, please note that our telephone is not manned at weekends or bank holidays so any messages left on it will not be dealt with until the next working day.
FOur vILLAGES LINK AGM At the time of writing it is not yet clear whether the European Election will take place on Thursday 23 May. If this is the case then the LINK AGM will need to be postponed as Edington Parish Hall will be a Polling Station that day and a new date for our AGM will be therefore be set and communicated to all interested parties. The Four villages Link AGM will be held on Thursday 23 May at 2:30pm in Edingtonparishhall. Thisisagreatopportunityforclients,volunteersandanyoneinter- ested in what LInK does to come along and hear all about how we operate and the chal- lenges we face.Why not stay after the meeting for tea and a chat with some of the people who offer their services to the scheme and find out more about becoming a volunteer - you can offer as much or as little time as you like, at a time to suit you. It is a great way to meet new people and become more involved in the community, as well as providing an important service to those in our four villages who might need a helping hand from time to time. Just come along to the AGM to find out more about how you can help your neighbours.
 6 THE NEWS MAY 2019

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