Page 10 - The News for the three villages October 2018
P. 10

   REmEmBRaNCE 2018
This year is a special milestone as it marks 100 years since the end of  the First World War On 11th November 1918. In 1921 the British Legion was founded to help those returning from that war face all sorts of  problems, including unemployment, homelessness, and physical and mental injuries. The Royal British Legion (as it is now named) is still caring for our Service men, women and their families whatever hardships they face. We are able to do this due to the superb public support which is particularly given during the annual Poppy Appeal.
The Edington and District Branch of  the Royal British Legion will, as usual, be conducting a house to house poppy collection this year as well as providing static collection points at the Three Daggers, the Farm Shop and the Post Office in Edington. I would ask that those of  you who intend to show your support by purchasing a poppy (or some of  the other items available) do so by making that purchase from the Edington and District Branch collectors and make this year a record for the Branch.
 Stewart Jenkinson, Chairman and Poppy Appeal Honorary Organiser, Edington and District Branch, The Royal British Legion 
In aid of our
Hall Improvements Fund
6th October Saturday Morning Breakfast
26 Oct Chilli and Quiz Night
Please put in your diaries and come and support us.
Watch this space for further details!

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