Page 13 - The News for the three villages October 2018
P. 13
ThE FOUR VIllaGEs lINk, a registered charity scheme, is your local community volunteer support group that can provide assistance to people across the villages of Bratton, Coulston, Edington and Erlestoke.
Suppose, for instance, you found yourself without access to transport for whatever reason and needed to get to an appointment, then all you would have to do is call us on 07852 256 939 and one of our duty coordinators
would log your request and find a volunteer to help you. All calls are charged at mobile rates. As well as providing transport to and from medical appointments, we can also help with form filling, doing a little shopping, calling in for a chat and even a little gardening.
Since responding to requests can be demanding it really helps us if we receive plenty of notice when being asked to organise assistance, ideally not less than 48 hours in advance. However, please note that our telephone is not manned at weekends and/or bank holidays so any messages left on it will not be dealt with until the next working day.
It is purely down to the continued commitment of our amazing group of volunteers that we are able to offer such an important service to our community and we are always looking for new volunteers to help. You can offer as much or as little time as you like, at a time to suit you and it is a great way to meet new people and become more involved in the community,
Being a volunteer can give you a new interest as well as making good use of your skills and experience so, if you feel you can help or would just like to find out more about volunteering in any capacity, then please call for an initial chat on 07852 256 939.
We look forward to hearing from you.
ThE FOUR VIllaGEs lINk: 07852 256 939
Registered Charity No: 1064923 EDINGTON, ERLESTOKE & COULSTON 11