Page 19 - The News for the three villages October 2018
P. 19

On Saturday 6th October we will be having a celebration of  the 50th anniversary of the formation of  the Jubilee Hall Committee.  There will be a children’s party/disco from 2:30 pm till 4:30 pm and then from 8pm until 12pm the grown-ups can dance the night away.  The local group Funked Up will play for both events.  Tickets for the children’s party will cost £2.50 per child and for the adult event, which will include a choice of warm suppers and a limited bar, the cost will be £7.50.  Tickets are available from Mr Bob Hitchens on 07763 512 085 or email
We invite all past, present and future users of  the hall to come and join us in celebrating the extreme hard work that has, and is continued to be done by past and present committee’s to keep this village hall in tip top condition for present and future generations.
The next Supper Night will be on Friday 19th October served from 6:30 pm till 8pm, everyone is welcome so come and join us for a three course meal plus tea or coffee for a maximum price of £8.50. Bring your own drink, glasses supplied.  Friendly service
a n d   a   w a r m   a t m o s p h e r e   g u a r a n t e e d .     I f   y o u   w a n t   a   t a b l e   fo r   m o r e   t h a n   fo u r   p e o p l e please contact Val Witcomb on 01380 830 297 or email
The Jubilee Hall in Bratton is a large modern village hall which can accommodate over 80 people seated for meals or for events.  There is a fully equipped kitchen, a bar area and a stage which can be used for plays, a disco or a band.  The ceiling in the main part of  the hall is high enough to erect an inflatable bouncy castle for children’s parties.  For smaller events the top end of  the hall can be easily partitioned off  and used separately. 
 Jubilee Hall in Bratton
For more information please see our website at
The Hall is available for single event bookings or weekly/monthly multiple bookings. Anyone wishing to book the Jubilee Hall please contact
Val Witcomb on 01380 830 297 or email EDINGTON, ERLESTOKE & COULSTON 17

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