Page 22 - The News for the three villages October 2018
P. 22

 Outstanding School
We were delighted with the achievement of all our children who took part in the statu- tory tests and exams set by the government.Their outcomes have, once again, been so good that they will put our school in the top 10% of the country for many measures. They have achieved well above the national expectations in all areas and across all phases as they always do. But, as ever, we are just as pleased with all the other achieve- ments of our children.They are fine sports people, great artists and musicians, thoughtful philosophers. They are people of integrity, showing compassion, aspiration, courage and joy in everything they do.
Wheat Project
  We have now harvested our wheat crop, grown on the
school field (each child using their classroom scissors! It
took about an hour, showing what enough enthusiastic
manpower can achieve).We then threshed the crop by
putting it into a tarpaulin on the hall floor and having the
children march and stamp on it – a very successful way to
thresh, it turns out.Then we winnowed the wheat outside
in a perfect little breeze, using our hands, cloths and containers. We have over 5kg of a perfect crop of golden ‘Skyfall’ wheat ready to be ground using a quern lent to us by Devizes Museum. Our Harvest loaf will be ready for our Harvest service on 27th Sep- tember. The end of a truly amazing project, led by Mrs Liz Read and supported strongly by the Peplers of Ballards Farm. Our sincere thanks to them for the leadership, advice, encouragement and support that has enabled us to reach this great outcome.
Special Interest Clubs
We provide a variety of special interest clubs to appeal to as many children as possible at school. As well as the usual spor ts clubs, we offer gardening, judo, handbells, crochet- ing, art, short courses in archery and other less common
sports, choir, chess and ukulele.
  Every day is an open day
If you think you would like your child to attend our out- standing school, please phone in and book an appoint- ment to look around and chat to the headteacher. Lots of photos and information can be found on our website
Our phone number is 01380 813796.
Mercedes Henning (Headteacher)

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