Page 28 - The News for the three villages October 2018
P. 28

  Edington Parish Hall Village Appeal Thank You
message from the committee of the Edington Parish hall Charity
Thank you to the many people locally who have donated to the Project for Disabled Toilets, Baby Changing and incidental storage improvements at the Hall. Because of your help the project is scheduled to proceed in early 2019.
However this is not guaranteed as we are still £5,000 short of our target to complete the project as we would like it.
Funds raised from the village Appeal exceed £5,000 so far.This added to funds from community fund raising and donations over the last four years and grants very recently awarded from National Lottery , Westbury Area Board and Landfill Scheme bring the total raised to £35,000 towards our target of £40,000.We need one last push to get us ‘over the line’ so if you can come along to the Parish Hall for The Big Breakfast on Saturday 6th October this would be appreciated where we hope to raise a little more at a value for money event.You can also
 now if you wish donate specifically to this Parish Hall Project conveniently and securely online by using ‘BT My Donate’. So please investigate this if you would like to donate. Gift
aided or non gift aided donations may be made by individuals or businesses. The Parish hall
committee very much appreciates the support given locally. Once completed we plan to extend a welcome to you all at an
Open Day in 2019.
All are welcome to join us at the Three Daggers on Tuesdays between 1030 and 1130 for an informal chat and get together. Catch up on village gossip
while you drink coffee and eat cake for £2.50. Children and dogs welcome too!
If you find getting there difficult transport can be arranged with TvM.
      Marquee 8 x 4, trestles, tables and chairs for hire Proceeds to Edington Fair. Contact 830 628 for details and prices.

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