Page 3 - The News for the three villages October 2018
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 ‘THE NEWS’ October 2018
Editor hon Treasurer
Edington Coulston
Fiona Frise, 60 High St Erlestoke SN10 5UA
telephone mobile 07816 160 163 email
 George Panos, Juniper, Lower Road, Edington, BA13 4QW telephone 831 107 email
Pauline Dorgan, Post Office, Edington. telephone 830 013 (9am-12 noon) Helle de Chazal, The Old Rectory, Coulston, Westbury, Wilts, BA13 4NY
01380 830 930 / 07818 261 612
ALL ARTICLES for the news are to go to email address Items delivered by hand/post should go to the Editor, 60 High Street, Erlestoke, Wiltshire, SN10 5UA
 Busy month for me so no ramblings just a thank you for everyone who sent in articles and funnies this month.  I would be grateful to anyone who would like to send in funny articles or jokes to lighten the mag up a bit, also some local photos, it’s been a fabulous summer so there must be some gorgeous sunny shots out there to cheer us up during the cold grey months ahead.
 Still seeking budding editors for the Magazine who would be willing to take over the magazine in the near future. Anyone who is interested please call me on 07816 160 163.
Fiona Frise
ERlEsTOkE maRqUEE 6 X 3m, FOR hIRE
£40 per hire – all proceeds go to upkeep of the marquee so it can be used at all village events.
 Contact Fiona on 07816 160 163 for details
advertise in ThE NEWs for as little as £40 for a year for a small ad, half page advert for £120 for the year, EDINGTON, ERLESTOKE & COULSTON 1
 ThE NEWs Is aN INDEPENDENT COmmUNITy maGazINE FOR all REsIDENTs OF ERlEsTOkE, EDINGTON aND COUlsTON. ThE CONTENT Is NOT INFlUENCED By ThE PaRIsh COUNCIls NOR aNy OThER ORGaNIsaTION. Opinions expressed or implied in this publication are not necessarily those of the Editors and no responsibility can be accepted for any errors of fact printed. in this publication. The magazine is F R E E to residents.

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