Page 18 - Parish Magazine June 2018
P. 18
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our green and PleaSanT ToileT
Geoff Lupton, Edington
that’s right toilet, we see dog poo, paper, plastic, fast food containers, drink bottles, set- tees, and even a freezer with a Sunday roast joint? dumped in out roads and lanes. I can- not attempt to surmise their thinking.
Apart from the eyesore, the damage it does our wildlife and the environment is grow- ing. I would like to think of myself as a responsible dog owner, knowing where and what my dog is doing. I have seen owners walking away on their phone while their dog is re- lieving its self, and when challenged “its not my dogs poo, I haven’t got a bag, it doesn’t hurt the field, the rain will wash it away”, or suggestions that I would have to be a con- tortionist to do!
A field may be used for livestock or crops and harmful bacteria can live in the ground and are taken up by what’s grown there and eventually getting on to our table. A field it is also someone’s property and I am sure the perpatraters would object if their lawn or drive was used!
on the bright side extra bins have been installed around the village please use them. most people are responsible and would not object to a challenge.