Page 24 - Parish Magazine June 2018
P. 24

  ToP ThankS
   As ever thanks to everyone for the donations of plastic bottletops! this year the monies raised will go to Guide Dogs for the Blind.For 40 full black plastic bag equivalents the nominated charity receives £30.
Janet Swain, Edington, 07568 501 940.
  The edingTon TueSday droP-in
All are welcome to join us at the three Daggers on tuesdays between 1030 and 1130 for an informal chat and get together. catch up on village gossip
while you drink coffee and eat cake for £2.50. children and dogs welcome too!
If you find getting there difficult transport can be arranged with tvM.
      Marquee 8 x 4, trestles, tables and chairs for hire Proceeds to Edington Fair. Contact 830133 for details and prices.
   22 THE NEWS JUNE 2018

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