Page 31 - Parish Magazine June 2018
P. 31

arT in greaT cheVerell
each Week SomeThing neW To See:
This year’s Edington Festival Musical Evening and Supper will be on Wednesday 22nd
A u g u s t   a t   6 . 3 0   fo r   7 p m   o n   t h e   P a r i s h   F i e l d ,   b y   k i n d   p e r m i s s i o n   o f   t h e   P a r i s h   C o u n c i l . The evening is a wonderfully light-hearted and enjoyable occasion which helps the community fund Parish facilities – the Parish Hall and the minibus for instance.   Festival singers give a stunning demonstration of close harmony music-making between courses, for our edification and delight.  Our home-made puddings have also become something of  a feature of  the evening.
You can book your tickets after June 1st from Hugh Hancock, either by post to Dunge Farm, West Ashton, Trowbridge, Wilts BA14 6AX, or by email at pcc-t@hancock-, or by phone on 01225 754626. They are £25 each, and cheques should be made payable to Edington Priory Church Music Evening.  Please let Hugh know if  you would like to sit with friends, and he’ll do his level best to accommodate you! EDINGTON, ERLESTOKE & COULSTON 29
 WillingTon STudio
oPen: TueSday–SaTurday 10.30am-12.30Pm & 2Pm-5Pm
Original paintings in oil, watercolour and mixed media. Wiltshire landscapes and other studies
 Sarah Willington jewellery where each piece is unique and full of style
Award winning, colourful, illustrated map cushions. Specials include Oxford and Cambridge Universities and rHS com- missioned Chelsea Flower Show Designs. A new pen and watercolour series taking a whimsical look at human behaviour past and present.
originalS JeWellery n PrinTS n cuShionS n cardS and more 2 ridouT yard, high STreeT, greaT cheVerell, WilTS, Sn10 5Xy
 T el 07930 665 415 email sarah. myplacemaps@btinternet. com
 muSical SuPPer

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