P. 8

Monday 16 July 2018
Continued from Page 13
It was however noted that the timeshare industry prod- uct needs to be updated to adequately deal with the current younger global timeshare owner. The prod- uct has successfully existed in Aruba for more than 40 years and looking forward, it should focus on maintain- ing the annual fees as they
are while improving value for the money.
Overall, respondents were very satisfied with their most recent timeshare us- age showing that more than 86% of respondents were extremely or very satisfied with their most re- cent visit. Most of their ex- pectations were met with
climate, warmth and kind- ness of people, and qual- ity of beaches as rated the highest in terms of exceed- ing expectations of quality. The lowest items were land and sea activities, trans- port and traffic, sightsee- ing tours, and nightlife and entertainment which could be reflective of the age of the respondents.
In relation to demograph- ics in the study and the dif- ferences found, the results show that older respon- dents have stronger return intentions, but their overall satisfaction and the per- ception of the timeshare experience is lower than younger respondents. This may be due to how of-
ten that they have been to Aruba and the possible boredom or monotony that they may have with the options provided to them once they have reached a certain age.
Higher income respon- dents have more positive feelings about Aruba and the timeshare experience, but this may be because they are able to afford new and exciting experiences. For example, new restau- rants, more gambling and shopping.
Regarding spending data, males spend more money than females in all catego- ries except for gambling where there are no signifi- cant differences. Younger respondents spend more money on watersports, which could be related to their ability to participate in these activities more read- ily, and overall, higher in- come respondents spent more money than respon- dents with lower income, which should be expected.
Researchers found simi- lar overall results in surveys of primarily U.S. timeshare owners, Venezuelans, and people from other loca- tions such as Canada and the UK. The studies were anonymous and did not re- veal the name of the time- share Resort where respon- dents were staying. q

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