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Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal and friendly families
PALMBEACH ― Recently the Aruba Tourism Authority honored Goodwill Ambas- sadors and Distinguished Visitors of Aruba as a token of appreciation for visiting the island for more than 10 and 20 years and more consecutive years.
Mr Zaghloul and Mrs Rich- ardson Honored at La Ca- bana Beach Resort Recently Emely Riddersta- at from the Aruba Tourism Authority had the great pleasure to honor Mr. Hany Zaghloul and Mrs Mary Richardson as “Goodwill Embassador” with 20 con- secutive years coming to Aruba.The honorary titles are presented in the name of the Minister of Tourism to loyal visitors with consecu- tives years visits. They are from Illinois and have be coming to Aruba so many years because of the lovely people.
Mr & Mrs Giles Honored at Divi Tamarijn
Recently Mr. Roger & Mrs. Angela Giles was honored as “Distinguished Visitors” with 12 consecutive years coming to Aruba.The cer- emony was conducted by Emely Ridderstaat of the Aruba Tourism Authority and also the staff of te Divi Tamarijn was present on this honoring.
Mrs & Ms Pereira Honored at The Playa Linda Beach Resort
Recently Mrs. Kim Pereira and her daughter Ms. Alys- sa Pereira were honored as “Distinguished Visitor” with 11 consecutive years’ visits to Aruba. They are mother and daughter and has be coming to Aruba since she was a baby and they love Aruba. The honoring was conducted by Emely Rid- derstaat of the Aruba Tour- ism Authority. q
Wednesday 11 July 2018

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