P. 12
Tuesday 17 July 2018
Continued from Page 14
This year, from July 20-29, Aruba becomes again one happy ER island, and one MUSICAL island.
Piano, Orchestral Con- ducting, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Flute, Clari- net, Oboe, Bassoon, Trum- pet, Horn, Trombone, Tuba are all passing by played by the best musicians. And the good thing is that with the exception of the Open- ings and Closure concerts the admission is free. Tick- ets for Opening and Clo- sure concerts are only 35 florin each.
So, save the date for this amazing musical experi- ence! For more informa- tion, please check the so- cial networks: Facebook: ArubaSymphonyFesti- val, Twitter:@ArubaSym- phonyFe and Instagram: @ arubasymphonyfestival.q
“Music is the magical meeting of humankind’s need for intellectual growth and essential spiritual evolution. It is the most honest attempt toward combining these two aspects of the human condition. Nuevo Mundo Festival & Academy takes on the role of being a transformative encounter in our students’ lives, as well as a celebration to our audience. With these words, I welcome you to the Aruba SYmphony Festival 2018.”
-Simon Gollo. ASF Founder and Artistic Directo -