Page 1 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - Vol 24 No 2 - February 24 2015
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Vol 24, No 02                     THE                                                                          FEBRUARY 2015

               Fact Is Fiction and Fiction Is Reality - Publishing Since 1992

                       A REL-MAR McConnell Media Company Publication

2014 Failed and Forgotten                         terrorist organization                            remembered as a hero. Until then, the best we
    Psychic Predictions                           • The Ebola epidemic
                                                  • Chibok school kidnapping of 276 girls           can hope for are vague and general references to
              Rob McConnell                       by Boko Haram in Nigeria
                                                  • Korean ferry MV Sewol capsizing,                things that may or may not happen.
Another year has come and gone and so we have     killing more than 290 passengers.
the opportunity to review how the world’s         • Ukraine crisis with Russia and the                        Keep these things in mind when you
leading psychics fared in their predictions for   annexation of Crimea
the year 2014.                                    • Malaysia Airlines Flight 370                    review…
         Before we take a look at some of the     • Malaysia Flight 17 crashing in Ukraine                    Was the psychic making an obvious
predictions, let us also review the major events  after being shot down by a missile, killing 298
that – one could argue – should have been         people.                                           claim? (Example: “There will be continued
predicted.                                        • Israel launching Operation Protective
                                                  Edge on the Palestinian Gaza Strip, where         unrest in the Middle East”)
         The rise of ISIS/ISIL as a (well known)  2,100 Palestinians and 71 Israelis were killed.
                                                  • The United States and partners                            Were they predicting something that is
                                                  launching airstrikes against ISIS/ISIL in Syria.
                                                  • A massive drop in the price of oil              untestable? (Example: “The world will be
                                                  • Rosetta spacecrafts’ Philae probe
                                                  successfully landing on Comet 67P                 calmer place as people discover their inner
                                                  • FIFA World Cup won by Germany
                                                  • The Ice Bucket Challenge (no one                spirit.”
                                                  predicted it’s virality and social impact)
                                                  • The deaths of celebrities like Philip                     Are they predicting something that is
                                                  Seymour Hoffman, Maya Anjelou, and Robin
                                                  Williams )                                        already known? (Example: “There will be a

                                                           The psychic that one day “predicts” a    merger between company X and Y in the new
                                                  catastrophic event and saves lives will be
                                                                                                    year.” … but you can find articles that already

                                                                                                    state a merger is imminent.

                                                                                                              Is the psychic taking a shotgun approach

                                                                                                    to their guesses? (Example: “Famous actor X

                                                                                                    needs to be careful.” Note that famous actor X

                                                                                                    is in a list with over 100 other famous actors,

                                                                                                    and he’s also old…) Did the psychic simply

                                                                                                    make many, many predictions, in the hopes that

                                                                                                    you will “remember the hits and forget the


                                                                                                              Note how, in the case where the psychic

                                                                                                    is very specific, are they simply right or wrong?

                                                                                                    (Example: “Brazil will win the World Cup of

                                                                                                    Soccer.”)  (Continued On Page 2)
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