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THE ‘X’ CHRONICLES NEWSPAPER Planet Earth’s ONLY Paranormal / Parapsychology Newspaper '85 8 $$ .3<387 $$ B # ' # The Radio Broadcast of Radio/TV Show is a testament to his Mayan Calendar on December 21 2012 (2012- The Century professionalism as a broadcaster / journalist as 12-21) predicted the end of the world, the apocalypse or perhaps, even the return of the attested to his ever growing international listening /viewing audience. McConnell also is mythological Planet-X or Nibiru , or even the publisher of The ‘X’ Chronicles Newspaper cataclysmic events of the Galactic Alignment. and writes a syndicated column. The ‘X’ Zone Radio/TV Show 2012-12- With over 1,360,000 ‘X’ Zone podcast 21 Special will be broadcast from the studios of downloads, over 936,000 YouTube views, 5,000 REL-MAR McConnell Media Company in friends on Facebook, and other social media Hamilton, Ontario and will be delivered networking sites, people listen to what he has to worldwide on the TalkStar Radio Network, Star say. Com Media and independent radio affiliates The people who fear him, are the people including KKRP AM 1610 in Oklahoma and who he puts to task when interviewing them KOHI AM 1600 St. Helens, Oregon. The show with the prowess of a seasoned investigator will also be available on line at conducting an interrogation in addition to an entertaining, educational and informative Throughout the broadcast, McConnell interview. will be checking in with guests of The ‘X’ Zone Rob McConnell To Host 26 Hour Live Over the past 20 years, McConnell has around the world who will be reporting on the ‘X’ Zone Broadcast Special conducted over 3,500 interviews with people events from their international vantage points. who have a connection to the world of the Scientists, astronomers, quantum REL-MAR (Media Release) - Nov 26 2012 - Rob paranormal or the science of parapsychology, physicists, historians, psychologists and even McConnell is no ordinary late night radio host. presidential candidates, members of royalty, psychics, and other members of the new age He is level headed, well educated, rational, Hollywood Superstars and others who can be genre will be joining McConnell in his quest to former criminal investigator, broadcaster, found in the pages of the world’s Who’s Who. for once and for all, put reality back into the author and publisher and when it comes to On Thursday, December 20 2012, at 11 paranormal and expose those who lurk in its debunking hoaxes and exposing frauds - he is p.m. Eastern, through Saturday, December 22 shadows only to eager to pounce on those who the best. 2012, at 1 a.m. Eastern, Rob McConnell will be are looking for answers outside the realm of the For the past 20 years Rob McConnell hosting a 26 hour live broadcast of The ‘X’ rational. who created / hosts the late night Zone Radio/TV Show on a worldwide watch to internationally syndicated The ‘X’ Zone put to rest the rumours that the end of the (Continued on Page 2)
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