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NewYeaarsEdition200912_june_july_2009.qxd 16/12/2009 2:32 PM Page 1 THE THE ‘X’ CHRONICLES NEWSPAPER ‘X’ CHRONICLES NEWSPAPER Planet Earth’s ONLY Paranormal / Parapsychology Newspaper Vol. 14, No 13 ISSN - 1499-8599 (E-dition) / ISSN - 1499-8602 (CD-ROM) LATE DECEMBER 2009 $4.95(US) PSYCHIC PSYCHIC PREDICTIONS PREDICTIONS FOR FOR 2010 2010 The Psychic Prediction stiffly: “I, sir, have studied the subject; you have intense solar disturbance and the relative The Psychic Prediction Edition for the not.” It si now known that the relative positions of the planets - that is, their aspects. Edition for the Severe magnetic storms occurred when one of New Year 2010 positions of the sun and moon produce the the four inner planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth, New Year 2010 From The ‘X’ Chronicles terrestrial tides. There is reason to suppose that or the Moon - was at an angle of 0, 90, 180 From The ‘X’ Chronicles the planets - and in particular the huge, heavy degrees with another planet farther from the and some of the planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and sun; there were also periods of solar calm when and some of the World’s Leading Psychics Neptune - may produce similar tides in the two or more planets were at angles of 60 or 120 World’s Leading Psychics liquid core of the Sun. It is also accepted that the degrees apart. emission of cosmic rays from the sun is affected It is an interesting coincidence that by the ebb and flow of it’s tides. Is it rational, Mercury, the planet traditionally associated in therefore, to suggest that the level of cosmic astrology with communication, appeared to radiation at any time - influenced, at least in have the most significant role. As Guy Lyon part, by the planetary positions - might affect a Playfair and Scott Hill put it in their book The person born at that time? Cycles of Heaven (1978): “Nelson’s work is an One of the first pieces of research along example of what astrology may have been and these lines was carried out not by an astronomer still could be: the study of the celestial motions or astrologer but by an engineer. John Nelson of and the correct interpretation of their terrestrial RCA Communications, Inc. He knew that effects.” unusual sunspot activity was followed by In 1950, not so long after Nelson had serious interruptions of radio communication, begun his observations, and well before the and in 1940 he began to collect data in an publication of his findings, the young French attempt to predict this effect. statistician Michel Gauquelin initiated a long investigation that was produce intriguing Rob McConnell - Publisher Rob McConnell - Publisher Predicting Cosmic Storms results. Continued on Page 2 In the early 18th century the astronomer By 1967, Nelson could claim a 93 Edmond Halley, discoverer of the comet that percent success rate in his predictions of From everyone at REL-MAR bears his name, quarreled with Sir Isaac Newton forthcoming cosmic storms; this was based on a McConnell Media Company - HAPPY at a scientific meeting. Halley mocked Newton total of 1,460 forecasts. He had discovered that NEW YEAR EVERYONE - Health, for believing in astrology. Newton replied there was an apparent correlation between Happiness, Spirituality To All.
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