Page 1 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - June 2015 Edition
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Vol 24, No 06 THE June 2015
Fact Is Fiction and Fiction Is Reality - Publishing Since 1992
A REL-MAR McConnell Media Company Publication
Is Coming To Brantford, Ontario
June 26, 27 & 28 2015
The Alien Cosmic very different from our own. In addition, the will feature 24 experts from the world of
expo will feature innovative information and extraterrestrials, out of body experiences, alien
Expo discussions about a mystical field that remains encounters, past-life regression, soul readings,
underdeveloped. ACE is here to change all of psychic mediums plus much more, making it
Is Coming To Brantford, that with your help. one of the largest events of its kind this year in
Ontario Canada.
With presenters coming from as far as
June 26, 27 & 28 2015 Los Angeles and Arizona, ACE has made it a Stanton will share the podium with UFO
point to unite the expansive extraterrestrial historian and researcher Grant Cameron as
Exploring Alien Existence Together community under one roof. It’s important to keynote speakers on Friday, June 26. Stanton,
note the entire weekend of June 26th-28th, also well-known for his many appearances on UFO
The Alien Cosmic Expo 2015 is proud to includes a complimentary breakfast on Friday magazine-style television shows, will close out
announce its first annual conference nestled in morning giving you the opportunity to mingle the Expo on Sunday, June 28 by revealing the
the heartland of Ontario, Canada at the with your speakers. truth about Operation Majestic 12. Also known
Brantford Best Western Brant Park Inn and as MJ-12, it was the code name given to an
Conference Centre. A pioneering venture for If you wish to make the Alien Cosmic alleged secret organization of scientists, military
cosmic experiencers, abductees and enthusiasts Expo your vacation destination this summer, leaders and government officials formed by U.S.
alike, ACE is devoted to uniting individuals who ACE has provided the opportunity to book a President Harry S Truman for the recovery and
think outside of the box—and see what others campsite at the picturesque Grand River investigation of downed alien spacecraft.
deem impossible. Conservation Brant Park. Campers can enjoy
networking opportunities around the campfire. Former Canadian Defence Minister Paul
In a three-day conference packed with Hellyer and Jason Martell, Ancient Aliens expert
riveting speakers, ACE will bring unbelievably What You Will See and Hear at the of the History Channel will headline Saturday
true stories of alien encounters out in the open night’s program.
for the first time with integrity and Alien Cosmic Expo
professionalism. That way, no person ever has to “A.C.E. is a conference of scientific
feel alone, embarrassed or scared to share their Internationally-acclaimed UFO study of extraterrestrial life and occurrences,”
personal, life-changing experience with a world said Jo-Anne Eadie, spokesperson for the event
researcher and nuclear physicist Stanton being held at the Best Western Plus Brant Park
Inn and Conference Centre.
Friedman will headline a riveting list of speakers
(Continued on Page 3)
from Canada and the U.S. at the Alien Cosmic
Expo (A.C.E.) this summer in Brantford,
Ontario, Canada.
The three-day event – June 26-27-28 –