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THE THE ‘X’ CHRONICLES NEWSPAPER ‘X’ CHRONICLES NEWSPAPER Planet Earth’s ONLY Paranormal / Parapsychology Newspaper Vol. 14, No 05 ISSN - 1499-8599 (E-dition) / ISSN - 1499-8602 (CD-ROM) May / June 2009 $4.95 (US) BILLY MEIER: BILLY MEIER: CONTACTEE OR CONTACTEE OR MODERN DAY PROPHET ? MODERN DAY PROPHET ? Look Out for That immensely important information in the Meier everyone else who was at the Ashoka Ashram in Look Out for That While I prefer to focus on the the 1960s) had witnessed the same UFOs, as Tree! case, there are still loud voices that accuse well as Meier walking and talking with a Tree! The End of the Skeptical Meier of hoaxing his famous UFO photos, films woman from one of the ships. The End of the Skeptical and video. There are actually websites and Challenge to Billy Meier’s online forums devoted to attacking the Meier Challenge to Billy Meier’s case and doing so without any regard for truth, UFO Photographs or for proof of their own vile and defamatory UFO Photographs claims. While these pathetically cowardly online attacks actually help create interest in the Meier case, it is time to provide a clear demonstration of just how impoverished and desperate they are. To that end, and especially for anyone visiting this site as a result of the negative publicity about the case, I present the following photo comparison and explanation. Meier’s Earliest Photos These are some of Meier's earliest UFO photos, taken by him in India, in 1964. (They are black and white but these prints have a yellowish tint.) The article about him in the New Delhi Statesman documents that he was already relating information about his extraterrestrial Photo 1 © FIGU by Michael Horn contacts at the time. And, in 1998, Phobol Look Out for That Tree! by Michael Horn Cheng, a former UN diplomat representing Look Out for That Tree! Cambodia, came forward to verify that she (and Continues on Page 3 Continues on Page 3
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