Page 34 - Shellharbour Visitor Guide
P. 34

Life in Shellharbour
The lucky ones call it home
Li le Park, Shellharbour
Buying a slice of the holiday life is a lot more a ordable than you think. Especially if you’re coming from a big, expensive city, like, say ( really expensive ) Sydney. In fact, you can turn some pre y ordinary
and seriously overpriced ( isn’t that most of Sydney? ) Sydney real estate into a fantas c beachside or countryside home.
Doing the Sums Can Lower The Costs On Your Life.
The cost of city living isn’t just in the real-estate, services and travel, but also on your life. Doing the sums can be pleasantly surprising and libera ng, especially if you’re looking to get a gorilla-sized mortgage o  your back.
Imagine how good that would feel? Your op ons would suddenly change. Would you need to work as hard? Or as long? It might allow you to change jobs and let you do something you really love.
Raise Your Kids In A Safe, Happy And Healthy Environment.
Big ci es aren’t ge ng any friendlier or healthier. The pressures and hassles and dangers just keep increasing on everyone, adults and children alike. But it’s not like that here. We’re s ll small enough to have a decent community spirit and pride in our town. We’re familiar with each other, always bumping into friends. People are friendly and courteous
( remember those? ) to each other and care about their neighbours. It’s a happier, safer life where everybody feels like they belong.
Our kids don’t grow up being street wise or savvy because they don’t need to, but they do grow up being happy and healthy.
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