Page 3 - Rusty Humphries Podcast Perfection Program PRE-SHOW PREP
P. 3
1. Equipment Purchased?
2. Studio Set up?
3. Does Rusty need to come to help setup the studio? If so? Date ____________
4. What’s the “Official” Show Name? ____________________________________
5. What is the show theme song? (Must be royalty free) ______________________________
6. Does Rusty have the theme music?
7. Have we created a show logo? Transparent and Non-Transparent
8. Does Rusty have the logo? Transparent and Non-Transparent
9. Have we created an iTunes version of the show logo?
10. SentRustyiTunesversionoflogo.
11. HavewemadeRustyanadminonallofourFacebookpagesthatwewantvideoon?
12. SendRustylistofourFacebookpages.
13. GiveRustyaccesstoourTwitterpages.
14. SendRustyouremaillistsoourcustomers/fanscanbenotifiedwhenwearelive.
15. Createaccountforpodcastdistribution
16. iTunesaccountforpodcast
17. YouTubeaccountforpodcast.
18. GooglePlayaccountforpodcast
19. iHeartRadioaccountforpodcast
20. Stitcheraccountforpodcast
21. Havethelowerthirdsbeenmade?
22. Createalistofeveryoneworkingontheshowwithemailsandphonenumbers.
23. CreateanoutlineforthefirstTHREEshows
24. Decide Podcast show time. What day of the week?___________ What time?______
25. What day do we go LIVE for the first time? Date_______________
26. Whoarethehostsandco-hostsfortheshow?____________________________
27. Howlongwilltheshowbeeachweek?15Minutes 30Minutes? 60Minutes
28. Havewestartedtopromotetheshowonlineandwithouremaillist?
29. Doesourwebmasterknowabouttheshow?Dotheyknowhowtoputitonourwebsite
30. WehavecopiedthePodcastRoadmapandareusingittohelppreparefortheshow.
31. WehavedoneatestofthestudiowithaudioANDvideowithRusty
32. DowehaveANYadditionalquestionsforRusty?
That looks like a lot of work. It is but once we have it done, it should be smooth and much easier from there. Don’t worry about setting up your accounts in tasks #15-21, I will take care of that for you but I put it on the list so we can help keep each other on task and on time. Additional tasks MAY come up, so be prepared. These all should be completed at least a WEEK before the first show.
Questions? Call me 541-450-5708 or Email