Page 16 - Demo
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To understand the magnitude of the challenges associated with traditional data sharing, consider the pros and cons of common approaches­(shown­in­Table 2-1)­that­a­company­would­encoun- ter, for example, when sharing data with a third-party service provider or another external enterprise such as a business partner.
Pros and cons of traditional data sharing approaches
• Not conducive for large data sets from relational databases (can’t scale)
• Limited size of attached files (less than 25MB) requires large data sets to be deconstructed and zipped
• Limited network band- width, which results in slow data transmission
• Not secure, requiring custom encryption
• Mirror effort required on recipients’ end (receive, decrypt, reconstruct data, and so on)
• Latency emerges when data changes
• Expensive software, costing up to tens of thousands of dollars
• Complex, requiring specialized skills to integrate and deploy with a data warehouse
• Can take months to implement
• Change management and schema evolution can be difficult
 Data Sharing Approach
• Pervasive and ubiquitous
• Infrastructure in place
• Easy to compose an email and attach a file
   • Large availability of well-established ETL software solutions
• Purpose-built to extract data from a database or
data source and transform the data for loading into a target database
• Good for bulk and complex data movement and transformations
     Extract, transfer, load (ETL) software
  10 Data Sharing For Dummies, Snowflake Special Edition
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