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» Tracingthehistoryofdatasharingin business
» Lookingdeeperatdatasharingscenarios and the value to the business
Chapter 3
Recognizing the Business Value of Sharing Data
In this chapter, you learn how data sharing methods have evolved in business, why data sharing is critical to any busi- ness, how businesses share data internally and externally, and
how the cloud and software-as-a-service (SaaS) change the data sharing model.
Looking Back at the Early Days of Data Sharing
Understanding the business value of data sharing today requires a historical perspective. Not long ago, it was considered the norm for organizations to host and support multiple business applica- tions within their own data centers. There would be an application for finance, another for marketing, others for sales, human resources, operations, and so on. Just ten years ago, large compa- nies would host and run hundreds of business applications from their own data centers.
Each of these applications would also have an associated data- base. These databases were not optimized for analytics and did
CHAPTER 3 Recognizing the Business Value of Sharing Data 17 These materials are © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

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