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Controlling Access to Shared Data with Secure Views
What if you have sensitive data in your database?
With a modern data warehouse built for the cloud and built for data sharing, you are not limited to sharing entire databases or entire database tables. If portions of a table are subject to strict security and confidentiality policies, sharing the entire table exposes the sensitive data. With a command utility called secure view, a mod- ern cloud data warehouse enables you to control access to shared data and avoid security breaches, as shown in Figure 4-6.
                                                                                                                 FIGURE 4-6: Secure view in a modern cloud data warehouse allows data providers to protect access to sensitive data.
For example, for online retailers to plan inventory levels, they need to share merchandise and sales data with their distributors. However, the table within the database that contains the sales data also contains sensitive customer ID information, which must be blocked and protected.
To demonstrate how to accomplish this using a secure view, fol- low the SQL semantics from the previous section to create a data share object, sales_s for database sales_db. For this example, assume sales_db and sales_s already exist. The schema for
32 Data Sharing For Dummies, Snowflake Special Edition
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