Page 47 - Demo
P. 47
» Evaluatingopportunitiesanddefining your organization’s role
» Confirmingyourdatawarehouse capabilities
» Coveringallthebases
» Runningaproofofconcept(POC)and executing for success
Chapter 6
Six Steps to Advance Your Business with Modern Data Sharing
Now that you understand the enormous potential of modern data sharing and the challenges of traditional data sharing methods, it’s time to consider the possible impact and
benefits of modern data sharing. This chapter outlines six key steps to help you and your enterprise get started with modern data sharing to advance your business:
1. Uncover data sharing barriers and opportunities.
The goal in this step is to gather a snapshot of data sharing requirements within your organization — both now and for the near-term future. You need a firm handle on data flows and work processes already in place to share data.
When you have this information, focus on identifying the data that has the potential to produce the most value. Ultimately, the objective is to uncover laborious data sharing and data transferring processes that are robbing you of productivity and resources within your IT, data warehouse, and business analytics groups. These barriers create delays in
CHAPTER6 SixStepstoAdvanceYourBusinesswithModernDataSharing 41 These materials are © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Any dissemination, distribution, or unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.