Page 12 - Provoke Mag Vol5
P. 12

  I make a lot of posts about predators but let’s step back for just a second and talk about what I like to call “The Blind Predator”. Children come to their parents for love, support and for protection. When they fall and scuff their knee they run to mom or dad to fix it, to make it better. When a child is molested or abused in any way they will look to a parent to protect them. As a parent it is your job to save your child from harm. Stop reading right now and look at these two pictures. Do not look at the coward touching the children. Look at the pain and fear on the faces of the children. Look at where the children are located. They’re sitting and standing firmly against the one who is supposed to protect them. Now look at the protectors who close their eyes and turn their heads. These are the blind predators. If you have ever turned a blind eye and allowed your child to be molest- ed, raped, beaten or verbally abused then you’re just
as much of a coward and just as horrible as the coward that’s actually committing the act. If you’re child comes to you for protection by telling you that someone has touched them and you do nothing you are a coward. IT IS NOT YOUR JOB TO DETERMINE WHAT’S FACT AND FICTION. IT IS YOUR JOB TO BELIEVE YOUR CHILD AND PROTECT THEM. Point blank, period. When one parent is abusing the child and the other par- ent does nothing then the child has nowhere to turn. In that child’s mind if mommy won’t protect me from dad- dy then nobody will protect me. NOBODY and I mean NOBODY is exempt. You ALWAYS believe your child and you ALWAYS protect your child!!!! No ifs, ands, or buts. If the child is not yours and they come to you for help you believe that child no matter what. If you don’t and you allow these cowards to abuse your baby then you’re also abusing your baby. If he rapes her you rape her. If he beats her you beat her. If he calls her a bitch
and a whore then you call her a bitch and a whore.
-Michael Wall

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