Page 26 - Provoke Mag Vol5
P. 26

 Love Lies
Chapter 5; Angels and Demons
 I grimaced and hoped they hadn’t noticed that my cellphone was lit up. I knew the radio players screen was big enough to cast off a vivid glow, but I couldn’t be sure the cellphone light on the passenger side wouldn’t give rise to this diabolical duo. They were up to no good, I felt it. So many emotions were running rampant and the unknown was how far this was about to go, and I was terrified to look back down to see if by chance the mes- sage sent. “Please God protect me. I have so many plans and I know that yours are greater I just pray we are on the same page. Don’t let my legacy be an example, I still have so many other things to do with this life. Thank you for divine protection. Amen.” I said my prayer out loud with my eyes open and as soon as I finished she flicked her cigarette and came off the porch as Weston turned completely facing the truck with a smug look and stuck his hands in his pockets. She came to my window and tapped it. I exhaled and rolled it down, she reached in and punched me with all the force she had. “I meant for you to get out bitch and its going to be long night if you decide to fight back.” She growled. I was stunned. My right check was throbbing, and I felt a huge rush of energy as I leaned away from her. I couldn’t cry or make a sound it was as if my soul had left my body. “GET OUT!” she screamed at me. She took a step back for me to open the door, instead I began rolling up the window. “F--k you!” I responded as the window rose up slowly and I locked the door. Weston ran from the porch toward the driver’s side, realizing that in his haste and obvious subconscious trust in me he left the keys in the vehicle, but I was already climbing over the center console. I am not going out like a white girl in a horror movie! I fumbled with the keys to crank the truck up and threw it into neutral and then reverse as both vil- lains beat on their respective windows. “Who the f--k leaves the keys!?” I heard the girl shout and then there 26
By: Art Frazier
was a bump as Weston mounted the side of the truck and then flipped himself into the bed. “Stop my truck now, Luxe!” he demanded. I didn’t respond as I raced in re- verse recklessly trying to get out of the yard we had just entered hoping to get as far away as I could. I remem- bered seeing a house just before the road turned to dirt. If I could at least get there and cause a commotion may- be I could get help. My adrenaline was going and all I could think was my mama will not f--king bury me. Not next week and not like this! I saw the road come into the rearview and I jerked the wheel toward the right and slammed into drive. There was another thud as Weston flipped backwards. I stomped into the gas pedal and the engine revved as the tires threw up dirt and rocks. After what seemed like forever, the Chevy lurched forward. I quickly glanced out of the passenger window to see the girl getting off the ground. As tragic as it was I thought to myself I hope I didn’t hurt her too bad. I hit the bright lights and looked down at the speedometer, old faithful was already at 60 and getting better. I didn’t see or hear Weston in the back and I didn’t care. I began darting my eyes around looking for the house we had passed but it was so dark outside of the path of the truck’s high beams; I was hoping I would catch a mailbox or some reflectors they use as backroad markings. Please at least have the porchlight on. Was the light on earlier? Is that why I re- called the house being there? Please God be with me. BANG! BANG! Suddenly, Weston was pounding at the back window. “Slow down you stupid, bitch!” Weston screamed as he hit the back window with an object I couldn’t quite see. “S—t!” I gasped. No choice. I thought to myself; I clenched up trying to prepare for the worst as I tapped the breaks. BAM! His face hit the back win- dow as I dropped down from 68 to 50 as I applied the break. He fell back again, and I returned to the gas. I had to get to a house, someone had to see this so if I didn’t

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