Page 14 - Provoke Magazine Vol3
P. 14

Generational Poverty In America
Shawn Washington
Poverty survives in America. Our belief in equality is par- amount for humanity, but the reality is long-term poverty persists. People identify differently with the label. There is acceptance or an ongoing struggle to overcome. Depending on various viewpoints, you are either choosing to be poor or are a victim of circumstance.
The term generational poverty describes those families that are unable to rise above the poverty line from generation to generation. The group persists because of various factors ranging from environmental to educational struggles. The US Census reports that these struggles affect more than 39.7 million or 12.19% of the American population.
The statistics of the matter illustrates a distant vision of these suffering households. Poverty affects the life of an in- dividual. The cyclical event with each generation means that the next person is less likely to overcome their current status. Understanding the recurrence along with the social ramifica- tions is the first step in moving forward with a new vision to disrupt this trend.
A strong educational foundation is key to securing well- paid opportunities. While there is an increasing number of jobs that pay well and do not require a college degree, most positions do require a high school education. School systems driven more by technology create problems for disadvan- taged youths who do not have access to high-speed internet and computers.
Electronic pads and laptops continue to replace books. Ac- cess to the internet becomes necessary to connect to virtual curriculums. The service that may have been a luxury in the past is a necessity. Pew Research Center reports that teens ages 13 to 17 face school-related challenges that include the lack of access to digital technologies at home. The digital divide widens the gap between the haves and the have-nots at an early age.
Health Care
There is a correlation between the number of unemployed individuals and health insurance coverage. To expand af- fordable healthcare, Congress passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act which modified Medicaid to cover more low-income families. The heated discussions on the good versus evil of this topic are indicative of its complexi- ties.
Government Assistance
The Department of Health and Human Services reports a poverty baseline for the salary of low-income wage earners. In 2018, the poverty guideline for a household of three was $20,780. If the head of the household made $40,000, they would only bring home $26,700 after assumed taxes and health care expenses. The $6,700 would mean that they are above the poverty line, without consideration for average rents and transportation. For example, the Rent Café reports the average rent in the Dallas area for a 2 bedroom at $1,325. The amount would exceed half of the monthly income. So- cial welfare programs benefit those who need subsidies to support their families. While Supplemental Nutrition Ac- cess Programs (SNAP) or food stamps help feed Americans, the benefit is lost when those individuals find work. A 2017 research shows that most beneficiaries of these subsidized programs do not have a high school diploma, are female, or have a disability. We should not assume that people with low education levels do not work. In fact, most of them are working a substantial amount for little wages with uncertain work stability.

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