Page 18 - Provoke Mag Vol2
P. 18
At first glance the question “Should I Die Today”, comes across a bit extreme but when you dig into what it really means, the initial impression quickly changes. Down Syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis, Diabetes, Huntington Disease, and Sickle Cell Anemia among many other diseases are considered inherited medical conditions.
SImply put, if mama and grandmama had diabetes then you will have it too. But is that really true or is it just something we believe because that is what we are taught? Could it be we have a choice? Are we actually doomed to wrestle the same illness- es as our ancestors or do we have a part to play in the mutation of the existing abnormal genes?
According to the National Hu- man Genome Research Institute, nearly all diseases have a genetic component. However, most genetic disorders are”multifactorial inheri- tance disorders,” meaning they are caused by a combination of inherit- ed mutations in multiple genes, and environmental factors such as poor diet, lack of exercise, poor sleeping habits, environmental exposure, ul- traviolet radiation from the sun, or it can occur if an error is made as DNA copies itself during cell divi- sion.
Once the many other factors per- tinent to each person’s biology and surroundings take part it can be a hot mess!. So how does that affect the body in reality? Well, what do you think? This is not a rhetorical question, it is meant to cause you to think. Think POSITIVELY....Keep thinking, turns out its Good for you!
Have you ever heard of the “Pla- cebo Effect” or so a man thinketh so is he? Some might even call it “The expectation effect.” Many think the placebo effect occurs because the patient believes in the substance, the treatment, or the doctor, however; the patient’s thoughts and feelings somehow cause short-term physical changes in the brain or body releas- ing a rush of dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins.. ... Many people feel better after they get medical treatments that they expect to work. Neuroscientist Fabrizio Benedetti, one of the pioneers of placebo research, puts it, there isn’t
just one placebo effect but many. Placebo painkillers can trigger the release of natural pain-relieving chemicals called endorphins. Pa- tients with Parkinson’s disease re- spond to placebos with a flood of dopamine.
Diabetes is one of the most com- mon alleged inherited diseases. Re- flect and understand it doesn’t have to be! Please do not misinterpret this article, it is in no way attempt- ing to replace or imply that neglect- ing consulting a licensed physician when needed is unnecessary; rather providing another option in main- taining a healthy life and lifestyle both inside and out. According to Dr. John Gray, a cardiologist/elec- trophysiologist at the Intermoun- tain Medical Center Heart Institute in Salt Lake City, Utah you can start your journey of healing in your mind and body with the five steps listed on the following page.
Vicci Plum